7 Virtual Fall Team-Building Activities


7 Virtual Fall Team-Building Activities

October has officially begun, which means the season of Fall is well underway. Numerous organizations are looking for virtual ways to engage their teams with events inspired by Fall, not to mention incorporating the approaching holiday of Halloween. As such, I have put together a brief list of virtual, Fall-themed (and Halloween-centric) team-building activities, perfect for Halloween buffs and “scaredy-cats” alike!

1. Murder Mysteries

Looking for an event that’s entertaining, captures the eerie nature of Halloween, develops problem-solving skills, and encourages teamwork? An online murder mystery may be just the thing! The best part about this activity is that dozens of potential mysteries are available, meaning there’s a mystery perfect for every team. Murder Mystery Zoom Parties Hosted by Detective Ness, fitting 8-12 participants, is a great event for beginners, as the titular Detective Ness is there to help guide the case along. For groups interested in a more hardcore, Halloween-esque mystery, Zombie Cannibal Asylum is set during the apocalypse and can accommodate up to 100 people. Murder in the Queen’s Court is a mystery that’s “part history lesson, part fantasy story, part true crime tale, and all fun,” perfect for those seeking royal drama!

(Worried about budgeting? Check out Sour Grapes of Wrath, The Movie Murder Mystery, and The Business of Murder, all of which are free!)

2. Escape Rooms

For organizations that want an event as suspenseful and exciting as what’s expected from Halloween, but maybe with a little less death than murder mysteries, a virtual escape room is the perfect choice. Like online murder mysteries, these escape rooms will increase communication, improve problem-solving skills, and encourage teamwork! One option is Jewel Heist, which involves teams of 4-8, where participants must work together to recover the hidden jewels. International Monster Hunter, on the other hand, is a Halloween classic, where participants work together to track down legendary creatures (from the Loch Ness Monster to Chupacabra).

(Worried about budgeting? Check out The Minotaur’s Labyrinth Escape Room, Escape: The Midnight Express, and Romeo & Juliet Escape Room, all of which are free!)

3. Ghost Stories

Looking for a Halloween activity that’s on the nose? Prior to the event, all participants receive a small treat box in the mail, containing delights such as s’mores and cookies. The event itself is run by multiple guides, some of whom are professionally trained in telling ghost stories and others who will lead participants on a live, on-location tour of a Victorian cemetery. Other aspects of the event include storytelling contests, arts and crafts, and more!

4. Ghost Tour of Salem, Massachusetts

For teams still interested in a spooky tourist experience but may lack the option to ship members treat boxes around the world, a virtual tour from Salem Ghosts could be the perfect fit! The organization offers virtual tours both live and on demand, meaning if a participant cannot attend for any reason, they can view the experience on their own time afterwards. It’s a win-win!

5. Ghost Hunt: The Haunted Online Halloween Scavenger Hunt

There’s only one thing better than a scavenger hunt: a Halloween-themed scavenger hunt! Watson Adventures describes this event as follows:

“On teams, you’ll go for a virtual walk to and within haunted places and learn the stories of their ghosts. You’ll meet our host on Zoom, then your team will go into a breakout room and use our browser-based app to follow a trail of clues across surprising websites, in search of answers to tricky questions.”

This event captures the Halloween spirit while simultaneously involving creative puzzles and challenges, making it perfect for both intense brainiacs and Halloween buffs. Best of all? The organization reports that “[a]n international version of the hunt is available for groups with ESL participants,” meaning it’s one of the most inclusive experiences on this list!

6. The Magic of Fall

Now, I doubt I’m the only person out there who isn’t quite as keen on the horror aspects of Fall, especially those associated with Halloween. As such, it felt only right to include a team-building activity fitting for those of us interested in an event that’s a little less spooky stress and a little more fun relaxation! The Magic of Fall is an autumn-themed Bob Ross painting tutorial; teams can hop on a Zoom call and follow the tutorial together, allowing everyone to complete their own autumnal scene. For those eager to go the extra mile, they can even buy a Bob Ross painting kit (though this isn’t required). This activity builds patience and conversation, and overall helps team members grow more comfortable with each other.

7. Explore the Paris Catacombs

Last but certainly not least, exploring the Paris Catacombs is perhaps the easiest team-building activity on this list! Groups can join a Zoom call with one person screen-sharing, and together they are able to walk through the famous Paris Catacombs. With the perfect balance of being eerie but not overly horrifying, this activity is fantastic for Halloween enthusiasts and those of us who are more timid. Navigating the catacombs as a group requires patience, clear communication, and confidence in speaking, and best of all? It’s free!

Halloween is going to be here before we know it, so what are we all waiting for? It’s time to get spooky! Happy haunting—I mean, team-building! 🎃

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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7 Virtual Team-Building Activities


7 Virtual Team-Building Activities

For many of us, socializing with coworkers isn’t easy. Being part of a virtual team can make developing connections between team members even more difficult, as physical separation can lead to increased emotional separation, too. Fortunately, there are numerous team-building activities out there for virtual teams! Allow me to offer 7 of the best:

1. League of Kitchens

League of Kitchens is a woman-owned and woman-run organization that hosts a variety of cooking classes taught by instructors from different cultures, from Argentina to Japan to Bangladesh and more. They are currently hosting virtual classes via Zoom, offering an Immersive or a “Taste Of” experience. Keep in mind that they only host 13 participants at a time when deciding whether or not this activity is right for one’s team.

2. Tea vs Coffee

The “food and drink” theme continues! Tea vs Coffee is a virtual tea- and coffee-tasting event, where a week in advance all participants receive “four unique drink packs [unusual teas, coffees, and infusions] from eco-friendly farms, plus a fun snack.” During the call, there are icebreakers, guided meditation, and—of course—the official tea vs coffee ceremony. This activity can accommodate any number of participants, so it’s perfect for large and small teams alike!

3. tiny campfire 🔥

There’s never a bad time for a campfire! Especially a virtual campfire, hosted indoors where no bugs or bears can get to us. Prior to the event, participants are sent a kit of “a campfire-candle, wood matches, and s’more ingredients.” The virtual campfire itself is run by a “Camp Counselor,” who leads the group in icebreakers, trivia, historic ghost stories, and an authentic s’more-making experience. As with Tea vs Coffee, tiny campfire 🔥 can accommodate groups of all sizes!

4. War of the Wizards

“But what if we want a more exciting team-building activity?” you may be wondering. Well, fear not, because War of the Wizards is here! The backstory of the event is that a group of wizards have been at war for so long, none of them can remember why the war began. Thus, participants are enlisted “as the wizards’ minions to help solve the conundrum and bring the war to a peaceful end.” Managed by a provided host, the event involves storytelling, puzzles, and more! And best of all? No previous RPG experience is required.

While the above activities fall solidly into the “entertainment” aspect of virtual team-building, it would be remiss not to include a few “practical” (but still enjoyable!) activities, too:

5. My User Manual

To put it simply, creating a user manual is creating a PowerPoint about oneself. Information in this PPT might include a person’s interests/hobbies, their culture, facts about their family, what environment(s) they work best in, etc. These PPTs can then be presented in a virtual meeting, where each employee has the opportunity to share essentially a summary of themself. And remember: this user manual should be fun! Encourage team members to incorporate pictures, memes, music—whatever they feel is relevant.

6. Strength Assessment

While CliftonStrengths is the assessment linked above, feel free to investigate any other strength assessments that feel appropriate! The value comes not from the brand but the time invested. Once all team members have completed their assessment, invite everyone to share results with the group (perhaps their top strength, their lowest strength, and a strength they didn’t expect). Discussing these results not only allows for team members to get to know each other better, but it also informs them how to better work together, a quality that is invaluable with virtual teams.

Now, some of us out there may be concerned about budgeting or the time commitment required for the above activities. Fear not, for there is one final team-building activity to be discussed:

7. Collaborative Playlists

Using an online platform such as Spotify, encourage team members to together make themed playlists, such as a “productivity playlist” for when they’re working or a “winding down playlist” for when they get off. Another possibility is a “cultural connection playlist,” where team members from around the world can share music they enjoy from their home country with their fellow coworkers. To misquote Shakespeare: “If music be the food of team-building, play on!”

All of us now possess a plentiful arsenal of team-building activities, which means there’s no reason to delay: it’s time to bond!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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Resources For Elevating Our Cultural Intelligence


Resources For Elevating Our Cultural Intelligence

When I conduct surveys involving global teams, there is always one common thread strung throughout: people want to learn more about the different cultures of their team members. While having direct dialogue is important, it is also crucial we seek information on our own so as not to overwhelm our team members. As such, I have compiled a few online resources to help us all become better familiarized with the cultures and practices of different countries around the world:

1. Culture Crossing Guide

The Cultural Crossing Guide is self-described as “an evolving database of cross-cultural information about every country in the world. This user-built guide allows people from all walks of life to share essential tips with each other about how to navigate our increasingly borderless world with savvy and sensitivity.” It currently contains information on over 200 countries, organizing facts into three categories: 1) “The Basics” (greetings, taboos, etc.); 2) “For Business” (dress, titles, etc.); and “For Students” (class rules, socializing, etc.). Because the guide is user-built, it is always evolving and being updated with new information. There is even the option to Ask an Expert a question!

(If anyone is concerned about accuracy, don’t fret: information on individual countries is submitted by natives, residents, or former residents, and all “information… is vetted by a Culture Crossing staff member and checked for credibility by cross referencing with at least two other sources.”)

2. Commisceo Global’s Cultural Awareness Resources

Commisceo Global has resources for every area of learning! There are Country Guides, allowing one to “learn about the culture, language, people, beliefs, etiquette, business practices and more” for over 80 countries. There are also Quizzes where a person can test themself on the information they’ve learned, with categories of Cultural Awareness, Business Culture, and Country Specific. And for people craving in-depth discussion, the organization also offers a plethora of Country Insight Reports. But now that we have all this information from Commisceo Global, what can we do with it?

Well, how about we use their Self-Study Guide to Cultural Awareness to help ensure we are using our new knowledge respectfully and in appropriate ways? (Sounds like a plan to me!)

Now, the above two resources are incredibly comprehensive and, consequently, a little overwhelming, so let’s dial it down for a moment:

3. World’s Worst Cultural Mistakes

This short slideshow goes over common gestures around the world, explaining how actions that are commonplace in one region might be offensive in another. For example, eye contact may be the norm in Germany, but in some parts of East Asia, extended eye contact is at best uncomfortable and at worst rude. Take note of the slideshow’s “What You Should Do Instead” advice at the bottom of each page!

While all of the previous resources are fantastic in their own right, one could argue that there’s a level of impersonality to them. Perhaps they lack the “human element.” Fortunately, there is still one item left on this list:

4. ViewChange (on LinkTV)

ViewChange is a series of videos from all around the world depicting the stories of real people, typically with a focus on lifestyles or global development. The episodes range in length, from some as short as five minutes to others longer than an hour. These videos offer an opportunity to engage with individual experiences beyond general information about their cultures; as such, they are an invaluable resource and the perfect one to close off this list.

And there we have it: a variety of online cultural resources are but a click away. Keep in mind, however, that culture is not static. As such, we shouldn’t consider these resources the be-all, end-all of information. Our knowledge of other cultures can and will evolve with time, so long as we allow it!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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12 Tips For Communicating Effectively Across Cultures


12 Tips For Communicating Effectively Across Cultures

When it comes to effective global teams, “communication” is often lauded as the key to success, and for good reason! Teams that communicate well are teams that understand each other and thus work well together. So, what can be done to increase effective communication among global teams?

1. Implement Global English in verbal interactions.

English may be the lingua franca of international business, but it is still a challenging language to learn and one that has innumerable regional variations and colloquialisms. Global English is a version of English that focuses on clarity above all else. Speaking Global English involves avoiding idioms that may not translate between different languages/cultures, avoiding slang and regional humor, explaining acronyms/abbreviations before using them, and speaking with literal and specific terms (such as using “write” rather than the business-speak of “draw up”). Using Global English can help decrease the risk of miscommunication and misunderstandings.

2. Make accommodations for non-native English speakers.

While Global English is excellent for verbal interactions when translators are unavailable, linguistic accommodations should be made for other forms of communication, such as emails or other written notifications. Employees should receive company-wide communications in their native language. Ideally, translators should be hired to ensure the nuance and specifics of the message are not lost in translation, but there are other options for organizations that may not have larger budgets. For example, there are intranet providers such as Powell that offer immediate translations for users in 60 different languages.

On the subject of written communications:

3. Be clear with wording and intent in written communications.

The fact of the matter is that every individual will likely interpret a written communication differently in some way, shape, or form. As a result, it is critical to emphasize and highlight the main ideas—literally. Highlight, underline, bold, italicize, etc.! Call attention to what needs attention in order to lessen the possibility of miscommunication.

Also, keep in mind the negatives of written communication: a) people often feel more comfortable being critical in writing and b) written communications are more likely to be perceived with a negative filter, i.e. turning a positive email into a neutral one. To address the former, we must always check ourselves for unneeded or overly harsh criticism. To address the latter, it means we shouldn’t be afraid to emphasize positivity in written communications! Use emojis, exclamation marks, whatever makes us smile.

But on that note:

4. Minimize organization-wide communications.

As important as it is to make linguistic accommodations and to be clear in written communications, it is equally important for leaders not to overwhelm employees with messages. Too many unimportant messages drowns out the critical ones, leading to greater risk of crucial messages being glanced over or ignored entirely, a scenario that will certainly breed misunderstandings.

5. Keep time zones in mind for written communications.

A global team means a variety of time zones, which can be difficult for people to juggle. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this issue: create a database or list that compiles the location (and time zone) of every member on the global team. With such a resource, team members can determine when their work hours overlap and refrain from unnecessarily contacting each other outside of that period. If additional communication is required, employees can consider concluding their email with a phrase such as Our work hours may not be aligned, so don’t feel obligated to respond to this outside your normal work times.

6. Keep time zones in mind for meetings.

Time zones are also critical to consider when scheduling meetings. After all, a 2 PM meeting in New York City is 3 AM in Tokyo. To address conflicting time zones, teams can host multiple meetings in one day to ensure employees can attend the one that best suits their schedule. Alternatively, especially with smaller teams/organizations, meetings can be rotated. In other words, no time zone is prioritized. This strategy means a majority of meetings will occur at a decent time for most team members, and about once a month every member takes the short straw of attending a meeting at a more inconvenient time.

7. Match appropriate technology to the task at hand.

Global teams beget virtual communication, from emails to video calls. As aforementioned, it is important to facilitate clarity in verbal communications with Global English and to minimize the risk of misunderstandings in written communication through making linguistic accommodations, highlighting important details, and not sending an overwhelming amount of messages to the entire organization. However, another important aspect of effective communication among global teams is knowing what method of virtual communication is most appropriate for specific information being shared. A good rule of thumb is that written communication (e.g. emails and texts) is better for one-way information or information that is not immediate, while verbal communication (e.g. voice and video calls) is better for time-sensitive or personal information.

8. Increase cross-cultural awareness.

One of the most unique qualities of global teams is their inherent diversity. However, this diversity can only be appreciated if team members take the time to educate themselves on the cultures of their fellow employees. Cultural awareness ranges from learning what holidays coworkers celebrate (and perhaps wishing them the appropriate celebratory phrase when the time comes!) to recognizing how gestures common in one country may be rude in another.

9. Avoid stereotyping team members.

Cross-cultural awareness, however, is to some extent a double-edged sword. While team members should be encouraged to educate themselves on the cultures and traditions of other employees, they should never make assumptions based on what they’ve learned. If they are confused or curious about a subject, they should approach the appropriate team member to see if that person would be willing to have a conversation with them.

10. Be responsive, supportive, and open-minded.

“The paradox in dispersed teamwork is that trust is more critical for effective functioning—but also more difficult to build—than in more traditional teams.” Cross-cultural awareness and conscious efforts to avoid stereotyping help contribute to trust among global team members in the personal aspect, but the business aspect must be considered, too. Effective communication is impossible if it’s not a two-way street. In other words, team members must stay on top of responding to others—in accordance with their respective time zones—and should thoroughly process suggestions and ideas from their fellow employees before doing so.

11. Bring team members together.

In an ideal, post-pandemic world, this tip would involve in-person meetings on a regular basis (e.g. annually or semiannually). However, thanks to technology, bringing team members together can also be as simple as a Zoom call! Effective communications among global teams requires that team members be familiar with each other. While cross-cultural awareness is an excellent first step here, it’s also good for team members to know a little bit about one another’s interests, families, etc.! Events such as virtual luncheons, team-building activities, and more are great ways to establish social relationships between employees and heighten effective communication.

12. Last but not least, create a team charter.

A team charter is, simply put, an outline of the basic communication strategies a team will have (and ideally, it should be provided in multiple languages). This charter may include information about how and what technology will be used in the team, standard format for emails, time range for expected responses, and anything else that will make the communication experience easier for everyone involved.

Communication is only as complicated as we let it be. I hope these tips will help all of us thrive and better understand one another as we navigate an increasingly-global world!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization. Reach Dima at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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Engage Global Teams With Empathy


Engage Global Teams With Empathy

The physical distance that separates global teams presents a challenge enough, and yet too often we compound this literal distance with emotional distance. For every hundred miles a team is apart, an emotional disconnect accompanies their separation. The fact of the matter is that combating this emotional distance is a crucial component of maintaining an effective, productive global team. In other words, establishing empathy between members of a global team is critical.

Empathy can sometimes be an overwhelming word, just as the idea of developing a positive relationship with a person on the opposite side of the globe can feel overwhelming, too. Fortunately, empathy can be broken down into three connected components:

  • Cognitive empathy is typically summarized as “putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes”; it is when we imagine ourselves in the situation of another person. 

  • Emotional empathy is the most common understanding of empathy. We can consider it the “next step” after cognitive empathy, as emotional empathy is feeling or connecting with the emotions of another person, particularly to better understand what they are going through at a given point in time.

  • Behavioral empathy is, as the name suggests, a component of our behavior. It is where we demonstrate our established cognitive and emotional empathy by treating others with kindness, respect, and care. Behavioral empathy is how we show we understand another’s position.

In a global environment, the physical distance between team members presents a large barrier to establishing empathy. This physical distance also generates three specific subcategories of difference that, if not handled appropriately, will compound the empathic struggle: temporal differences, cultural differences, and social differences.

Temporality is best summarized as the way an individual interprets, values, and manages time. Because temporality tends to vary in regions across the world, global teams are often composed of numerous members who do not share temporality, which can lead to disagreements both big and small. For example, in western countries like the US and the UK, the clock interpretation of time dominates, where time is viewed “as a scarce commodity.”  Specifically, this leads to time being treated as a resource that can be measured and broken down; there is emphasis on a person being productive within a short period. In India, on the other hand, a harmonic interpretation of time is more common, where time is viewed as “an aspect of dynamic, living systems that needs to be explored qualitatively”; every second is seen as having natural value. Immediately we notice a difference from the US and UK’s quantitative and India’s qualitative interpretation of time. As a result, without temporal empathy, conflicts may arise between team members from different regions if they do not discuss personal temporality from the get-go.

A common trait of most global teams is, of course, that they are composed of people from different cultures. Because of this inherent diversity, it is crucial that team members make an effort to educate themselves on the different cultures represented in their team. This process is the establishment of cultural empathy, and it will ultimately increase awareness surrounding what potential “conflicts” may arise throughout a working relationship and how these conflicts can be mediated. Not only that, but cultural empathy often leads to cultural appreciation, where a person sees the inherent value and beauty in cultures different than their own. There are simple ways to build cultural empathy: for example, a team leader might host an “international day,” where employees can present information about their culture if they feel comfortable doing so. Another simple technique is to incorporate multiple holiday greetings throughout the year (i.e. more than just “Merry Christmas”), such as wishing a Jewish coworker “Shana tovah!” on Rosh Hashanah.

The aforementioned “social differences” might also be called “lifestyle differences,” and in some ways the establishment of social empathy falls in the intersection of temporal and cultural empathy. Different communities, different cities, different countries all have different expectations in regard to the work vs home division. For some societies, it is expected that family commitments be sacrificed for work. In others, it is more likely that work commitments will be sacrificed for family. Social empathy thus involves understanding how emphasis is placed differently on work vs home depending on region and not penalizing global team members for how they prioritize. It is also important to understand social empathy on the individual level. For example, a man caring for his sick, eldery mother will likely have to put home commitments first; other members of his team should be aware of his situation—as much information as he feels comfortable sharing—and be respectful of it.

I have discussed the primary components of empathy as well as the three areas of empathy most important for global teams to concentrate on. But how can global teams increase their empathy? Are there certain actions they should take or attitudes they can pursue? Fortunately, the answer to that question is an enthusiastic, “Yes!”

1. We must view cultural differences as opportunities.

In some ways, this tip can be interpreted as a mental shift. Sometimes we focus too intensely on conflicts that arise out of cultural differences instead of perceiving these differences in a more accurate and more optimistic way: they are an opportunity to broaden our horizons! People from different cultures bring new perspectives to the table, which allows for increased flow of new ideas and potentially even improvement of the status quo.

2. We must avoid assumptions and stereotypes.

At first glance, this tip seems obvious. “Of course we shouldn’t stereotype people! Of course we shouldn’t make assumptions about their personality or culture!” And indeed, we shouldn’t do any of those things. But the process of avoiding assumptions, particularly amongst global teams where cultural diversity is heightened, runs even deeper. Not only must we avoid assumptions at face value, but we must avoid assumptions—for example—during a meeting. If a particular team member doesn’t speak often, rather than assuming they don’t have much to contribute, we might instead consider that they wait for specific points in conversation to offer input. Always give others the benefit of the doubt!

3. We must develop more and stronger opportunities for employee connection.

It is one thing to preach about the importance of empathy; it is another for there to be opportunities presented to help employees establish this empathy! The most common method for this tip tends to be virtual meetings, be it an official meeting where everyone together discusses company goals or a more casual event where team members simply chat about their interests and backgrounds. There are plenty of fun icebreakers out there that provide an effective and entertaining way for global employees to connect with one another.

I hope this breakdown has helped us all better understand what empathy is, what elements of empathy are most crucial to global teams, and what we can do to improve our empathy. Now go forth and build empathy!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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5 Tips For Leading During a Difficult Economy


5 Tips For Leading During a Difficult Economy

Over the course of my career, whether working with individuals, small businesses, or global companies, I’ve experienced my fair share of challenges and have had to also help others through difficult times. Out of everything I’ve learned, when it comes to leading effectively during uncertain times, I keep coming back to these five principles:

1. Put people first

Putting people above the bottom line is crucial for establishing healthy relationships with employees and building trust. We are all busy, but meeting with team members individually to check in and provide support is well worth the time. I know a manager who once had the difficult job of laying someone off. He didn’t want to do it, of course, but he had to. When he delivered the news, the employee began crying. Instead of acting uncomfortably, the manger paused and asked her if the job she had was one she truly loved. As it turns out, it wasn’t. They had a long conversation about what she was passionate about and discussed possibilities for how she could pursue a job she really enjoyed. He used his experience to help her reflect on what she wanted to do. He spoke with her years later, and she was filled with excitement as she shared how his guidance helped her. She was happy and had a job she loved. I think this shows that as leaders, we can put people first and strive to be a partner in our team members’ success, not just at our organization but as part of their overall career growth.

2. Communicate honestly and often

Some managers tend to avoid communicating when times are bad, but that’s exactly when the team needs to hear from their leaders most. When communicating with employees, be direct and transparent and share information as it is becomes available. Lack of communication, especially when an organization is undergoing change, will only lead to frustrations and gossip. I once worked with a client who decided to change their performance review policy without notifying employees. People were unaware of the new criteria, so they didn’t know that their performance score could be negatively affected. When they had their meeting and received a lower score, they were understandably upset. Leadership knew the team would disagree with the changes, and instead of communicating clearly and offering an opportunity to provide feedback, they handled the situation in a way that damaged trust and morale. This demonstrates that not only is honest communication best from the start, but continued and frequent communication is needed to keep everyone aligned. Importantly, providing a way for the team to share feedback shows employees that we are listening and that we care about how small and big decisions affect people on an individual level.

3. Create a sense of togetherness

We can only be successful as a team if we work together and if everyone takes ownership of their roles. It’s natural that motivation might waver during uncertain times, but we can inspire our team by focusing on the importance of everyone’s position and coming up with group goals that encourage teamwork and instill a sense of togetherness. When we look to the future as a team, everyone is more likely to feel empowered to take responsibility for their part. This reminds me of a story my friend told me recently. She’s a small business owner, and during the pandemic, she lost a lot of clients and many of her contracts were put on hold. The business was suffering, but she didn’t want to lay off any employees. She brought the whole team together and had an honest talk with them to share the reality of the situation and to present two options of how they could move forward: She would either have to let some team members go, or everyone, including herself, could agree to take a 20 percent pay cut with the commitment that everyone would keep their jobs and would receive their normal salary after the pandemic was over and the business recovered. The team agreed to the second option, and everyone kept their jobs. It’s a really great example that demonstrates how a team will come together and take ownership of their role when they see that their company treats them as more than a number. Their leader came to them with an alternative and showed that she truly valued them and didn’t want to make any cuts. As a result, the team was motivated to come together to not only keep their jobs but to support their co-workers and help the business survive. 

4. Follow up on promises

In good times and bad, we need to show our employees, our suppliers, and our customers that we are committed to following up on our promises. How we react when things are difficult will reveal our priorities and impact our business relationships. The COVID-19 pandemic challenged many companies to deliver on their promises and remain consistent with their brand values. Airlines in particular were forced to adapt to new procedures and protocols, and some did more than others. Airline companies always say that safety is a priority, and during the pandemic, that commitment took on a new meaning – to protect passengers’ health. There were some circumstances where I had to travel and was incredibly nervous to do so. When I browsed different airlines, it became obvious to me that some were remaining true to their brand promise of safety and others were not. Some companies went above and beyond from extra cleaning to keeping the middle seat open. Others couldn’t wait to pack the plane full of people. That really affected my brand loyalty because when things go wrong, I want to support the company that keeps their promises and puts me, as a customer, first. If we want our customers to come to us and not our competitors, we have to deliver on our commitments, even in turbulent times.

5. Take care of yourself

Self-care has been a really popular topic recently and for good reason. We cannot help others if we are not taking care of ourselves, and we cannot be effective leaders if we don’t prioritize balance. If we neglect sleep, eating well, exercise, mindfulness, and all of those things that support our emotional and physical health, we will easily run out of energy to handle challenges and lead our teams effectively. There was a time in my career where I put work above everything, including my health. I was working on a high visibility project that was extremely stressful; it was particularly challenging because I didn’t agree with some of the higher-level decisions, so I was being tested in many ways – personally and professionally. I neglected my personal health so much that I actually ended up in the hospital for three days, and guess what? I didn’t even get to complete the project. My priority was work, but ignoring my needs as a person meant that I wasn’t able to be a good leader. As leaders, we set an example for our team. If we are able to put our best foot forward and remain motivated, our employees will take inspiration from that. If we are drained and have a negative outlook, the team will pick up on this, and it will affect morale and the tone of the organization.

What about you? What tips have helped you to continue to forge ahead?

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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3 Common Mistakes Businesses Make During Difficult Times


3 Common Mistakes Businesses Make During Difficult Times

During turbulent times, many businesses operate with fear and put the bottom line first. This causes companies to make common mistakes that lead to even bigger consequences.

1. Cutting headcount – When times are tough and the budget is tight, cutting headcount may seem like a solution to reducing spending, but in reality, it creates fear across employees and stunts creativity. Resorting to layoffs indirectly communicates to the team that the organization will put itself above the people who support it.

2. Stopping payments to suppliers – Similarly, when organizations stop paying suppliers, this ends up not only hurting long-term relationships but also hurting the suppliers, potentially causing them to go out of business. When a company puts itself above others, they end up damaging connections they might need later. This short-sighted approach will lead to long-term problems.

3. Not adapting to market demands – Many companies want to lay low during difficult times, but I think there’s an opportunity to evaluate how we can continually evolve our business models to adapt to what the market needs, whether that is a new product, new service, or identifying a new target audience. We can always do better and keep growing. This allows us to find areas of new revenue that we may have missed out on in the past. With a fixed mindset, an organization won’t be able to survive. 


Even difficult times, like the COVID-19 pandemic, bring an opportunity to build trust, strengthen partnerships, and examine our business model. Most importantly, sticking by our team and partners is the best way to relay the unspoken commitment that we are all in this together for the long term.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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# 1 Princile For Guiding Companies Through Turbulent Times


# 1 Princile For Guiding Companies Through Turbulent Times

We should focus on people first, and I don’t just mean employees.

Companies should focus on their business partners and suppliers, too. Challenging times provide an opportunity to build trust and show we are dedicated to their success. For example, when the stock market crashed in 2008, there was a Fortune 100 company that brought things within their business to a halt. They stopped paying their suppliers and cancelled orders even when they knew their suppliers had already begun work. Then, there was another Fortune 100 company that made it a priority to move forward with their orders and to pay suppliers in full without asking for discounts or exceptions. They may not have needed all of the inventory anymore, but they believed helping their suppliers stay in business was more important than suffering a short-term loss of their own. Relationships come first and people come first. If companies can’t show commitment to employees, partners, and suppliers when things are tough, how can those people believe that the company will be there for them when things are going well? Turbulent times allow us to demonstrate dedication to our whole team’s success and to continue building trust. 

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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Tips for communicating difficult news to the team


Tips for communicating difficult news to the team

How we handle communication with employees and customers during difficult times, especially when delivering bad news, reveals a company’s priorities and can make or break trust between managers and their teams. Even if the news is unfavorable, there is still a way to approach it with empathy. When it’s time to be the bearer of bad news, I recommend thinking about it in three phases – before, during, and after.

Before reaching out to the team

Prepare both emotionally and logistically. What kind of questions will you be asked? How much information can you share? What are your team’s options? These are important things to consider, and I often prepare a list of questions to practice and help navigate even the most difficult questions with confidence. Also think about options or opportunities that may assist the team in moving forward. During all of this preparation, it’s essential to also take care of ourselves. When we are delivering bad news, especially when we don’t agree with the decision, we need to manage our stress, take deep breaths, and be mindful of our emotions so we can approach the conversation feeling balanced.

During the conversation

Be clear and avoid mixed messages both verbally and non-verbally. Pay attention to body language; crossing our arms might make us seem aggressive and fidgeting our fingers can make us come across as nervous. These cues will conflict with the calm and composed environment we’re trying to create. Make sure to also explain how the decision was made to demonstrate that the process was thoughtful. Then, focus on the future. When possible, share options that might help the team to keep perspective, but don’t make empty promises. Throughout the whole conversation, be empathetic and pause and listen to the team as they provide their feedback. Reflect on how they’re feeling and make an effort to connect with them. 

After communicating difficult news

Following up is critical. If you promised something – do it. Also take the opportunity to reflect on how the conversation went to determine areas of improvement.

Of course we hope we won’t have to continually deliver bad news, but it’s better to prepare and learn from past conversations to make the process easier in the future.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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4 Important Ways to Accommodate Nursing Mothers in the Workplace


4 Important Ways to Accommodate Nursing Mothers in the Workplace

A nursing working mother once shared with me that whenever the time came for her to pump milk, she would go to the bathroom to do so. Yes, the bathroom, a space full of germs. Not only was there no lactation room available for her, but when she asked for a chair to make the pumping process easier, she was met with questioning of her intent. Another woman I know also had no lactation room available in her workplace, and she informed me that while she didn’t have to pump in the bathroom, she did have to pump in a small, unclean break room. There were french fries on the floor, lettuce on the table, and a dozen other signs of coworkers who didn’t know how to clean up after themselves. Scenarios like these are widespread. More and more organizations are touting the need for inclusivity in their workplace, but one area that is too often overlooked is the inclusion of nursing mothers.

Breastfeeding discrimination is widespread, with many new mothers like the ones I discussed above being forced to pump milk in bathrooms because there are no lactation rooms available. Situations like these occur despite the fact that in 2010, Congress passed the Break Time for Nursing Mothers law (an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act [FLSA]) that requires an appropriate amount of time be provided for breastfeeding parents to pump milk in a private place. Moreover, the law specifies that said private place cannot be a bathroom. It is illegal. How many organizations have violated this law? How many mothers have not even aware their rights?

As aforementioned, many organizations have started making efforts toward greater inclusivity in the workplace, because they truly do want to create a healthier, more welcoming work environment. However for many executives unless they were recently involved with breastfeeding, the idea of accommodating nursing mothers through a lactation room or other means doesn’t even occur to them. Heartbreakingly, too, many women don’t speak up about the inconveniences that they face. The first woman I mentioned gave me her explanation: “I just did it. I didn’t even think about bringing it up to my management.”

A mid-size company recently constructed an amazing big new building, receiving praise from local media for the beauty of the architectural design. The executive team is proud of their new workplace, and perhaps understandably so. But they forgot one crucial component: a lactation room. And it’s not only smaller organizations like this one that struggle to properly accommodate nursing mothers; national ones do, too. Consider the Bank of America.

In 2020, the US Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division “investigated and alleged [that the Bank of America] failed to provide reasonable break time and a space free from intrusion for a nursing mother to express breast milk at a Tucson, Arizona, location” in accordance with the FLSA. As a result of this investigation, the Bank of America intends to implement changes in all of their locations to properly accommodate nursing mothers, beginning with the bank in Tucson. These changes include alterations to buildings and training for managers.

Providing a lactation room demonstrates care for staff, emphasizes the importance of family, and supports a woman’s desire to both have a job and be a mother.

Here are four things all organizations should consider when accommodating nursing mothers in their workplace:

1. Provide adequate private space.

Federal law dictates that having new mothers pump in the bathroom at work is illegal. Locations such as a lunchroom are technically legal, but are highly discouraged. Doctors all assert that pumping breast milk is most successful when the mother is relaxed. Lunchrooms sometimes do not lock, and even when they do, constant interruptions by people knocking on the door and asking, “Are you almost done?” or “How much longer do you need?” do not contribute to a relaxing environment. As such, if organizations do not have a lactation room and cannot at the present time build one, they should consider any of the below possibilities:

  • Converting a space, such as an unused office, into a temporary lactation room. Ideally, this space will be close to the nursing mother’s work station.

  • Creating an arrangement with a neighboring business to share their lactation facility.

  • Creating an arrangement with individual owners of a building (such as a shopping center) to provide a lactation room.

  • Sending a breastfeeding mother to another of the organization’s locations that does have a lactation room. The organization should preferably provide the mother transport to and from this location or compensate her for any money she spends travelling there.

  • Having a mobile, outdoor breastfeeding station (so long as it is appropriately shielded and free from possible intrusion).

  • Offering paid time off for the mother to go home or travel to an alternate facility of her choosing.

2. Provide appropriate amenities.

This includes providing reasonable accommodations to make the pumping process pass convenient for the mother:

  • A comfortable seat in the lactation room.

  • A small, movable table for the pump machine to rest on.

  • A lock on the room’s door to ensure privacy.

  • Access to an electrical outlet for the pump.

  • Access to a sink for the mother to wash her hands and rinse her equipment.

  • Incandescent lightning (ideally on a dimmer) rather than harsh fluorescent lighting.

  • A small fridge for the mother to store breast milk in.

Storing the breast milk in the break room fridge is not ideal. It has been mistaken for coffee cream in the past. If there is no way to provide the mother with a small fridge of her own, organizations should consider designating a specific shelf in the main fridge for her breast milk to avoid any potential confusion.

3. Provide reasonable break time.

Again, federal law dictates that reasonable break time be given for women to pump milk, with the important acknowledgement that the amount of time and the number of breaks will vary with each individual. The following excerpt from the Harvard Business Review outlines basic information for organizations to consider when designating break time for breastfeeding:

“Most nursing parents need 2-3 breaks during an 8-hour workday, depending on their baby’s feeding schedule and their bodies’ needs. Expressing breast milk typically takes 15-20 minutes per session, but sometimes longer. Some additional time is needed to travel to and from the lactation space, set up the pump, disassemble and clean up, and store the milk, which is why providing amenities and a pumping location that allow those to be done efficiently is worthwhile.”

Not only must an organization provide this time for pumping milk, but it is crucial that they do not reduce an employee’s compensation for time spent pumping, either. There should be no shame or negative consequences associated with it.

4. Develop and enforce a written lactation policy.

By having a written lactation policy that includes information about the process for requesting accommodations, an organization can ensure that all individuals higher up on the chain can respond to these accommodations in a timely manner, in a fair manner, and within compliance of the law. This policy both protects organizations from fates such as the one that befell the Bank of America and reassures nursing mothers that they can and should make their needs known. A lactation policy demonstrates that an organization is committed to true workplace inclusion. A sample policy can be found here.

The organization should offer training to staff, especially managers, supervisors, and HR, about their specific policy. For example, how they can respond to lactation requests, and who they might contact if they’re uncertain. These professionals should also receive training about the health and working needs of nursing mothers in general.

At the end of the day, a working mother should never have to choose between her work and her family. Nursing mothers have a right to accommodations in the workplace and it’s about time we started providing them.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company. Her mission is providing guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within their organization.

Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential.


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10 Creative Tips to Increase Your Focus


10 Creative Tips to Increase Your Focus

Over the years, I have had many people from different backgrounds reach out to me with the same question: “How can I increase my focus?” The commonality of this request speaks a thousand words, as it means the ability to focus is something we all struggle honing. And in our bustling society, there’s no question as to why!

The commonality of this question also means there are a thousand answers I am sure we are all tired of hearing—create a to-do list, organize your day chronologically, and so on and so forth. Not that these tips aren’t helpful, but when they’re the majority of advice that’s offered, they can only take us so far. As a result, I have put together this list of 10 creative tips anyone can use to increase their focus. Let’s jump right in, shall we?

1. Identify and work with your natural rhythms.

Many of us self-describe as an “early bird” or a “night owl,” but there is truth to those phrases. Different people find themselves to be more alert at different times of day. We have to identify when we find ourselves most attentive and block out those hours for our most important tasks, such as items that require a lot of creativity or ones that demand intense concentration. We can save less productive times for “busy” tasks, such as checking and answering emails. Let’s prioritize based on our natural rhythms!

Research by author and scientist Jennifer Ackerman demonstrates that our brains are most alert 2.5 to 4 hours after we wake up. Try blocking out some time about 2 hours after you wake up, whether you’re an early riser or a late one, and see how productive you can be!

2. Do one small thing to build momentum.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the dozens of tasks—all of varying importance—that we each have on our plates. Rather than increasing our stress by trying to approach our assignments as a whole from the get-go, it’s helpful to start with one very small and very simple task. It’s like eating a meal: we can only take one bite at a time. And this task should be related to the bigger plans at hand, such as working on a single slide of a PowerPoint, not checking our email. Putting that one small piece into the larger puzzle often helps us find the spark to push forward and accomplish more.

3. Practice positive self-talk.

“Talk to myself?” you might be saying. “What kind of ridiculous advice is that?!” Good advice, if we let it be. Again, we oftentimes find ourselves overwhelmed when facing numerous tasks or facing one massive project. And that’s okay! Stress and anxiety are normal human emotions. But we can’t get caught up in our fear of making mistakes, otherwise we’ll never make any forward progress. Positive self-talk can help balance these fears and worries. We should tell ourselves, “I can do this. I can do this well.” Or maybe we need to remind ourselves, “I have accomplished more difficult things than this in the past. I’ve got this!” By reinforcing our own abilities, we’re better able to sit down and get started.

4. Boost alertness with the color yellow.

Numerous studies have shown that the color yellow increases our concentration and alertness. Now, this fact may seem odd at first glance, but there’s a simple explanation: yellow is the color we most associate with happiness! (Most smiley faces I’ve seen have certainly been yellow.) To fully utilize this tip, we should all consider bringing some yellow into our workspace! It doesn’t have to be drastic; putting a yellow poster on the wall, writing in a yellow notebook, or even using a yellow highlighter are easy means by which we can brighten our surroundings and hone our concentration just a little bit more.

5. Let sunshine in.

Many of us find ourselves sitting inside, be it in our homes or our offices, either with the blinds closed or in a room without windows whatsoever. Maybe you’re reading this very blog in an artificially-lit room right now! Regardless, the truth is that we could all use some more sunlight to help boost our alertness. So, open those shades! Take a walk outside during a break! There’s a beautiful, bright world waiting.

6. Listen to techno or video game music.

Many of us have likely been given the advice to listen to music while we work, seeing as music stimulates the brain, but there’s a second part of that wisdom often cut short: the type of music we listen to while working can help hone our concentration, too! Techno music is a popular choice for many seeking to improve productivity because the fast tempo increases our ability to focus, but an ingenious alternative for those of us who may need music that’s slightly less electric is video game music. Why video games in particular? Because the soundtracks of video games are composed to minimize distractions with the intent of keeping players focused on the scene or level at hand. (Yes, that’s the reason we sometimes start up a game, blink onc, and suddenly five hours have passed. The music purposefully tugs us in!)

When possible in one’s workplace, it also helps to wear headphones while listening to music. Doing so helps us create our own spaces and further tune out potential distractions.

7. Chew gum.

Chewing gum has been demonstrated to boost cognitive abilities. Chewing gum for about 15 to 20 minutes before we start working can help us focus and better prepare us to think through whatever difficult tasks are at hand. (This boost is only temporary, however, so there’s no need to keep chomping down on one piece for hours at a time.)

8. Work in chunks.

As I mentioned earlier, humans have a habit of unintentionally overwhelming ourselves when we try to think about our projects in the big picture, or as their end goal. This habit can lead to self-sabotage, where we’re limiting our potential before we even begin! A great way to address this issue is to work in chunks. Starting with a small piece, as in tip #2, is fantastic, but it’s also great to continue dividing work into manageable steps. We need to think about big tasks in smaller segments, where we take breaks between each item we accomplish. By doing so, we prevent ourselves from getting caught up in the stress of facing one giant task and thus foster increased focus and productivity.

9. Plan breaks.

On the subject of taking breaks between items: breaks are a must for maintaining and increasing focus! Moreover, none of us are equipped to work nonstop for hours at a time; breaks are thus essential for keeping us productive and keeping us healthy. A common recommendation is to work for 45 minutes and then take a 15 minute break, although ratios do vary from person to person.

Knowing breaks are necessary and remembering to actually take them are two different things, however. A neat trick to keep track of when we should be working and when our break begins is to program a playlist of a specific length! For example, we might make a 45-minute playlist of different video game tracks, to recall tip #6, and thus when that playlist stops, we know it’s time to take a 15-minute break. Simple and effective!

10. Use Internet-blocking apps.

This tip falls under what we might call the category of “minimizing distractions.” Many of us have issues with discipline while online, where we find ourselves constantly checking our email or switching between different social medias. Internet-blocking apps help keep us in check! Inbox Pause temporarily stops incoming emails from arriving in our inboxes, while the free browser extension LeechBlock can block specific websites for certain durations of time.

I hope these tips serve us all well on our individual journeys to increase our focus in the midst of a very busy, very distracting society. Happy concentrating!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company. Her mission is providing guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within their organization.

Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential.


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8 Tips to Become a Super Mentor


8 Tips to Become a Super Mentor

Do you want to return the Millennials and Gen Zers in your team? Then mentor them and provide professional development opportunities. Researchers found that 87% of millennials report professional development as being important to them in a job, and 76% of Gen Z see learning as key to their advancement. But they can’t be expected to make it on their own. As such, here are 8 tips for what you can do as a mentor to ensure both you and your mentee are getting the most out of the relationship:

1. Time: commit and invest.

Being offered a role as a mentor can be flattering. It can also be nerve-wracking. Sometimes, we might be too embarrassed or too pressured to refuse. But the fact of the matter is that being a mentor requires time. As such, you should only become a mentor if you have time that you can commit to your mentee. And while it is great—and even encouraged!—to be a mentor to more than one person, don’t bite off more than you can chew. Make sure you are investing your time in a few or even only one mentee, that way you are allowing a stronger relationship to develop.

2. Become a trusted advisor.

To be an effective mentor, your mentee must trust you. If they don’t, they will not come to you with questions, they may be hesitant to take and implement your feedback, etc. Establish that there is confidentiality between yourself and your mentee, that you will not be recounting everything they tell you to others.* In doing so, you create an enviroment of security, where your mentee will be encouraged to communicate with you to the fullest extent.

*There are exceptions to this confidentiality. If a situation is serious, such as if you fear for your mentee’s safety, it is crucial you communicate with the appropriate people.

3. Be intentional in mentoring individuals from underrepresented groups.

Heartbreaking as it may be, there have been times when mentors turned up their noses at mentees from minority groups. This behavior cannot continue. By being intentional in fostering diversity, you not only aid in improving diversity initiatives, but also create an opportunity for growth for both yourself as a mentor and for your organization as a whole. There is always room for improvement, and intentionally mentoring individuals from underrepresented groups will aid both them and yourself. Simply put, it is a win-win!

4. Guide your mentee by asking questions.

Don’t simply tell your mentee “what to do” in any given situation. You want to coach them to reach their own conclusions, as this will make them stronger learners and better workers. An excellent resource is the GROW model, which is a straightforward method for goal setting and problem solving. To apply to a mentor-mentee relationship:

G is Goal, or what the mentee seeks to accomplish. R is Reality, where the mentee is at that point in time. O is both Obstacles, the barriers the mentee is facing, and Options, how the mentee can overcome the obstacles. Lastly, W is Way Forward, or transforming the aforementioned options into realistic, possible steps to ultimately achieve the goal.

5. Get to know your mentee.

While this tip may sound obvious, it is nonetheless crucial. Not only should you as a mentor learn your mentee’s goals and aspirations, you should also familiarize yourself with their fears and insecurities. Why? Because knowing their fears allows you to challenge them. Not callously, but in a way that will help your mentee set their goals even higher and expand their potential.

6. Hold your mentee accountable.

This tip ties back to Tip #1. Truly investing time in your mentee means ensuring they are taking productive action(s). While it may be easy to slip into a routine where your mentee attends a session and that is the end of that, it is crucial your mentee is achieving their goals. To ensure this occurs, provide them with honest, constructive feedback, that way they are aware of changes they need to make or new directions they should head in. You should also set clear expectations for them; by doing so, no one is slowed down by confusing instructions.

7. Be beyond a mentor.

Even after your mentee is no longer officially your “mentee,” there is still action you can take to help them. Namely, becoming a sponsor. If you have been an effective mentor and your mentee has demonstrated strong progress, it is only natural that you would want to open doors and make new opportunities available for them in the future. For example, recommending them for a specific position you know they would thrive in.

8. Be curious (learn from your mentee).

The relationship between mentor and mentee is a two-way street. While there is much you will teach your mentee, and there is just as much you can learn from them, too. By doing so, you not only become a better mentor, but you will likely find yourself more open to new perspectives in general.

These tips will empower you on your journey to become a super mentor and to cultivating your relationship with your mentee(s).

Happy mentoring!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company. Her mission is providing guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within their organization.

Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential.


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7 Tips For Mentees to Maximize Your Mentoring Experience


7 Tips For Mentees to Maximize Your Mentoring Experience

When it comes to gaining your footing in a new organization, there is little more exciting or more helpful than receiving a mentor to guide you through the process. However, the transition isn’t always smooth. When I was first working with IBM, I was told early on that I should look for mentors. As such, I was ecstatic when I managed to organize a meeting with the Chief Procurement Officer. When the meeting started, we introduced ourselves, exchanged pleasantries, and he asked me what questions I had for him.

I had no idea what to say.

Plain and simple, I wasn’t prepared! Our meeting was only three to four minutes when an hour had been set aside. This was a negative interaction in twofold, as it was a missed opportunity for me to learn and moreover poorly impacted the CPO’s perception of me. This is a situation no mentee should have to experience. To avoid such disasters, here are 7 tips for what you can do as a mentee to get the most out of your relationship with your mentor:

1. Always be prepared.

While your mentor is your guiding light, they cannot be expected to have all knowledge at hand all of the time! Have questions ready in advance to kickstart communication and ensure you’re getting the most out of your conversations. In that same vein, be organized for your coaching sessions beforehand—maximize what you can learn in the time you have.

2. Make sure you click.

If you are not comfortable with your mentor, then you will never be able to truly learn from their experiences or fully understand their advice. The relationship between mentor and mentee needs to be one where communication occurs clearly and constantly. As such, it should be a safe space for conversation.

3. Be truly open to feedback.

Oftentimes we tell ourselves that we are open to feedback, but the second that feedback starts to sting, we close ourselves off. Real, helpful feedback may hurt, and that’s okay! The “hurt” means the feedback is genuine and demonstrates your mentor truly wants to see you grow and improve.

4. Take action with feedback.

It is crucial to be open to feedback, yes, but taking action with that feedback is just as important. Listen to your mentor’s constructive criticism, absorb it, then implement it into your work. Remember, they want to help you grow. Only by taking action will you see yourself progress!

5. Seek multiple mentors.

As aforementioned, it is unrealistic and rather unfair to expect one person to have all the answers at all times. Thus, to ensure you are getting the most out of your mentorship experience, don’t be afraid to seek multiple mentors, even if some of them are outside of the organization you’re part of! One person may help you with your communication skills, another individual may mentor you in the technical abilities you need to have, and so on and so forth.

6. Learn from each other.

The relationship between mentor and mentee is a two-way street, where a sort of equivalent exchange takes place. You and your mentor give knowledge to and receive knowledge from one another in equal parts, which is another reason healthy and comfortable communication is so crucial. While there is much you will learn from your mentor, they should be learning from you, too!

7. Stay in touch afterwards.

If you have managed to succeed in all the previous tips, then this final one should come with ease! If you and your mentor are comfortable together, communicate well, and actively learn from each other, it is only natural that you should want this relationship to continue even after they are no longer “officially” your mentor. Why? Because your mentor is an important part of your network! Not only can they continue to answer questions you may have in the future, but they may even become your sponsor, where they can open doors for you or make connections you may have struggled to acquire on your own.

This list is a starting point as you begin cultivating your relationship with your mentor(s). 

Happy learning!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company. Her mission is providing guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within their organization.

Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential.


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4 Tips To Boost Morale During Uncertain Times


4 Tips To Boost Morale During Uncertain Times

When the future seems uncertain, it is important to first and foremost be genuine and empathetic. As a leader, these qualities are critical for building a connected and engaged team. With these characteristics in mind, there are several ways we can boost morale and inspire, motivate, and engage the team during turbulent times.

  1. Building trust and promoting honesty are the foundations of a strong team. Showing the team we are committed to them and communicating directly and clearly are great ways to foster these relationships. When the team feels prioritized, they will feel motivated. On the other hand, manipulating the team or making misleading promises is the quickest way to lose trust and respect as a leader.

  2. When we talk about what it means to be empathetic and how we can put the team first, we can start by taking a step back and recognizing that everyone we work with is human. We all have worries, fears, and difficulties in our personal lives. Make sure to check in regularly and spend one-on-one time with each employee to better understand their situation. When we speak with our employees, we can work with them to find potential solutions and, when possible, create more flexibility with their situation. Showing this type of commitment is a great way to connect and motivate the team.

  3. Motivation is a great way to empower individuals, but boosting morale also means empowering the entire team. We can do this by building a sense of togetherness and inspiring collaboration. Show employees how their role contributes to the bigger picture and reinforce that the team excels when we all work together. Instilling this sense of togetherness will engage the team and encourage them to take ownership of their individual roles.

  4. With everything we do, we should inspire hope in our team by having conversations about the future. While it is important to recognize that times may be tough, we need to then guide the team to focus on future opportunities to help everyone see beyond today’s challenges and keep the bigger picture in mind. Sharing potential new opportunities and remaining positive will help to motivate and inspire.

What about you? What are you doing to boost morale within your team during these uncertain times?

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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My Funniest Mistake


My Funniest Mistake

After I came to the United States, I settled into my new community in San Diego and began my first full-time job in October. I can still remember what it was like to walk into that building for the first time. Everything seemed so fancy from the wood paneled walls to the expensive furniture. Everyone stood tall in their suits and walked around with a purpose, and I was thrilled to be a part of this company. As I sat at my desk, full of nervous excitement to start my first week, I received an email from one of the company’s executives; he was in charge of all San Diego locations. The email was an invite to all employees for an office Halloween costume party. I was so excited because I had never celebrated Halloween before, and I had always wanted to dress up as a genie! So, I ran to the store that evening and picked out this awesome pair of purple baggy pants, a matching shirt with gold buttons down the front, and a tall genie hat with fabric flowing from the top. I then bought the perfect pair of gold flat shoes to match. The morning of the party, I had the opening shift, so I woke up early, got dressed in my costume, and headed out to start the day. I couldn’t wait to see what everyone else was wearing!


After opening up the office, I began my day of work and waited in anticipation for my colleagues to slowly arrive. When the first man walked in, he was wearing jeans, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots and had a fake plastic gun strapped to his waist. Shortly after, another coworker walked in wearing jeans, a button down, cowboy hat, and a bolo tie. I thought the coincidence was funny and assumed this was just a popular costume in the U.S. Next, a woman walked in wearing a jean skirt, a cowgirl hat, and cowgirl boots. Then, right behind her, in walks the executive who sent the email invite. Can you guess what he was wearing? Jeans, leather vest, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. As more people arrived, I realized that everyone was dressed similarly and that I was receiving odd looks. I quickly pulled up the email and read it again, and everything looked right to me – the date, time, and all of the details. Well, all of the details but one. I read a line again that I didn’t think was very important before: “Wild Wild West theme.” 


As a new immigrant to the U.S., I was not aware of the cultural reference, so I assumed the theme meant we should dress as something wild. I thought, “What would be wild for me?” To me, dressing up as a genie seemed pretty wild. At the time, I was mortified, and I actually left work early and didn’t stay for the party. Now, I can’t help but laugh to myself each Halloween when I remember this firsthand experience of culture shock. 


While this mistake might seem like a small embarrassing moment, for me it was actually a great lesson. It taught me the importance of clear communication and how it is critical for ensuring everyone is aligned. It also taught me that it is ok to ask questions when we don’t understand something. In fact, it’s something I strongly encourage because speaking up can help us to avoid certain mistakes. But, most of all, I realized that it’s normal to make mistakes and that it’s important to learn from them and laugh at ourselves.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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Finding Happiness :)


Finding Happiness :)

We are constantly engaged in the mode of “Go, go, go!” While there is no one-and-done solution to our jam-packed days in busy society, we can elevate the amounts of four “happiness chemicals” in our brain to increase joy and balance in our lives.

1. Dopamine: The Reward Chemical

Dopamine is a hormone related to how we experience pleasure. It impacts our ability to think, to focus, even to find things interesting! Dopamine also affects certain functions of the body, from mental motivation to physical movement. As such, it’s an important chemical for us to remain on top of. But what can we do to achieve that?

Complete a task.

Get out your to-do list! If you don’t have one, make one, then get to work and start ticking off items. The sense of fulfillment you experience after accomplishing a task is essentially production of dopamine. And these tasks don’t have to be laborious: they can be as simple as wiping down the counters or taking your dog out.


Yes, it’s that easy. Dopamine is related to pleasure, so go eat something you like! To achieve a two-for-one, you can even cook/bake whatever food you intend to eat. By doing so, you’ll boost your dopamine in both enjoying your meal and by having completed the task of preparing it. :)


Self-care is about the prioritization of your mental and physical well-being, which means self-care looks different for everyone. Consider taking a hot bath, writing a poem, or watching an inspirational TedTalk. Anything goes, so long as it makes you happy.

2. Oxytocin: The Love Hormone

Oxytocin is a hormone related to our behavior as well as social interaction. It is connected to how we experience trust, anxiety, and stress; it is also the chemical responsible for creating the bond between mother and infant. So, how can we increase our levels of this hormone?


You know that friend you haven’t hung out with in a while? Yes, them! Go shoot them a text—it’s time to reconnect. While your capacity for social interaction may vary depending on if you’re introverted or extroverted, you still need to get out there. Take a walk in the park, visit a museum, meet at a coffee shop: go somewhere you can strike up a conversation.

Physical touch.

While this has become more difficult during times of COVID, it is still important we engage in physical interaction with others. Hug your sibling, kiss your significant other, go pet your animal! It will all boost your oxytocin, increasing your connection with that individual.

Help others.

This option is great for increasing levels of oxytocin, as “helping others” covers a wide range of assistance. Carry someone’s groceries. Watch your neighbor’s cat while they’re away. Proofread your friend’s resume. There is no one right answer. As long as you feel a sense of accomplishment after lending a hand, you’re on the right track.

3. Endorphin: The Pain-Killer

Endorphins are chemicals that reduce our perception of pain. They trigger positive feelings in the body, even acting as a sedative to help lessen stress and boost self-esteem. Sounds like something we can all use more of!


Yes, I know, this suggestion sounds unpleasant to some. But exercise is one of the easiest ways to produce endorphins, which boost your mood and increase confidence in yourself! And ‘exercise’ does not mean running yourself into the dirt. Take a jog, if that’s what you like, but exercise can also mean playing golf, dancing in your bedroom, or doing yoga—whatever you find joy in.

Engage in media.

Have you been putting off that new movie for “the right time” to enjoy it? Congrats, today is the day! Watching a movie, listening to music, and simply partaking in different forms of media—particularly those you enjoy—are surefire ways to boost your endorphins.


“Laughter is the best medicine” may be a cliche, but it’s not without truth. Laughter increases the amount of oxygen you intake, stimulating your body and producing a rush of endorphins. So go read a joke book, watch that new comedy special, or even just call up the funniest friend you know!

4. Serotonin: The Mood Stabilizer

Serotonin is a hormone that helps reduce depression and regulate anxiety. It works to keep our mood stable, also helping us sleep and even heal, as it plays a role in blood clotting. Like the previously discussed chemicals, there are ways we can go about ensuring our brain is producing enough of this hormone.

Go outdoors.

Specifically, go outdoors on a beautiful day. Sit in the sunshine. Walk through a garden. Experiencing sunshine is a common part of treatment for seasonal depression, thus emphasizing the importance of simply stepping outside for a while to help boost our serotonin.


Find a quiet space, and for a few minutes, allow yourself to relax. Focus on what’s around you; not your upcoming interview, not your big project due. Push aside everyday worries. By doing so, you will increase your serotonin and find yourself better prepared to face those stressors later on. Unsure where to start? Here are free mindfulness apps you can investigate.


Research suggests that dwelling on happy memories allows our brain to produce more serotonin. When you find yourself making a happy memory, take a moment to think about the details so they will be easier to recover later on. When “later on” comes, sit in the enjoyment of your recollection rather than rush to your next objective. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

Engaging in these activities are easy, accessible ways we can increase the amounts of the “happiness chemicals” in our brain.

Go on—give them a try!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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5 Tips for Diversifying Board of Directors


5 Tips for Diversifying Board of Directors

In today’s climate, it is common to hear the phrase “we need to diversify,” particularly at upper corporate levels. Namely: the board of directors. But despite the increased citation of this desire, diversity within boards of directors is not yet commonplace. According to a fall 2020 analysis of the 3,000 largest publicly traded U.S. companies conducted by the Institutional Shareholder Services’ ESG division:

“[J]ust 12.5% of board directors were from underrepresented ethnic and racial groups, up from 10% in 2015. The report also found that only 4% of directors were Black (up from 3% in 2015), while female directors held 21% of board seats (up from 13% in 2015).”

Following the murder of George Floyd in May 2020, there were increases in the number of women and racial minorities appointed to Fortune 500 boards, but the majority of directors are still white men. How can this issue of homogeneity be adjusted? Fortunately, there are five crucial steps boards of directors can take to ensure diversity in their ranks:

1. Analyze the Demographics

In order to improve diversity within a board of directors, the board must know where their organization stands. First, look at the racial, ethnic, gender, etc. demographics of the board. Second, look at these same demographics within the community as a whole. What groups are disproportionately represented? Underrepresented? How drastic is this difference? Once a gap in diversity is identified, work can begin on deciphering why this gap exists, and from there a board can begin searching for solutions to resolve it.

2. Offer Training

This step is essential to understand how beneficial diversity is to an organization. By offering diversity training, individuals will better understand why diversity is so crucial in the first place. On a similar note, unconscious bias training is also important, as it helps combat internalized prejudices all individuals have, be they aware of them or not. How? Because “[u]nconscious bias can shape all aspects of the hiring and recruiting process, from the way openings at your organization are posted to the experience employees or board members have once they’re selected.” While no individual can ever be free of bias, making people aware of their biases will allow for implementation of genuine diversity in these upper levels.

3. Expand Your Candidate Pool

When appointing boards of directors, many organizations appoint retired executives. However, appointing active executives is also beneficial, as they are more aware of current situations evolving around them (e.g. in a market, with COVID-19, etc.). Similarly, when appointing new members to a board of directors, an organization should broaden their horizons beyond accepting referrals from current members, as people tend to have connections with individuals similar to them. Consequently, a board is unlikely to see an increase in true diversity with applicants garnered through such narrow recommendations. Expanding the pool of candidates is a simple yet effective way of diversifying a board.

4. Avoid Tokenism

As aforementioned, some boards are interested in diversity only for appearances’ sake. Diversity and unconscious bias training are key ways to address this issue, but another important tactic is ensuring new voices make up at least 30% of the total in a group. By doing so, a board not only avoids tokenism in appearance, but also in practice, as these new members will feel less isolated and therefore will likely be more encouraged to speak their minds. As stated earlier, increased diversity leads to increased innovation, meaning hearing these new ideas more often than not ends up being helpful.

5. Measure Progress

The final step is simple and perhaps the most important: “To stay focused on your objectives and goals, monitor your progress semi-annually.” Yes, it is that straightforward. Diversity is not a simple checklist but a practice. Are the demographics improving and representing the community that the organization serves? Are individuals from diverse groups being appropriately represented? Are their ideas being heard and implemented? Are these individuals staying on? Are they reporting any issues? Keeping track of progress is thus the ultimate step to truly diversifying a board of directors.

While the task of diversifying boards of directors may seem daunting, it is a necessary one, and only through active change can it be accomplished.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.


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Beyond the Language of "Equal Opportunity Employer"


Beyond the Language of "Equal Opportunity Employer"

“We are an equal opportunity employer.”

Companies are required to include this statement or a similar phrase in their job descriptions, a supposed attempt to demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. But how inclusive is this short phrase? Does this generic line truly encourage individuals of underrepresented groups to apply to the job at hand? Does it guarantee a woman’s application will be judged with the same expectations as a man’s, that Black individuals will not be held to harsher standards than white individuals, that the transgender community can expect the same treatment as cisgender people? Most of the time, no. This standard language is exactly that: standard, if not the bare minimum. As such, this standard must be changed.

While there is more to ensuring diverse, inclusive workplace environments than modification of language in job descriptions alone, these smaller steps are just as crucial to the big picture as larger ones. By going above and beyond the standard statement and providing additional, detailed information about inclusivity in the hiring process, companies make important progress in generating inclusion all around. Consider the two examples below:


“Our diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture empowers our people to be who they are, contribute their unique perspectives, and make a difference individually and collectively. It enables us to leverage different ideas and perspectives, and bring more creativity and innovation to help solve our client most complex challenges. This makes Deloitte one of the most rewarding places to work. Learn more about our inclusive culture.”

“What we do for our clients, we strive to do for our own people: make an impact that matters. We are regularly recognized as a top employer across a range of categories, including inclusion, well-being, innovation, leadership, and places to start your career. To learn more, check out our latest accolades.”

“From entry-level employees to senior leaders, we believe there’s always room to learn. We offer opportunities to build new skills, take on leadership opportunities and connect and grow through mentorship. From on-the-job learning experiences to formal development programs, our professionals have a variety of opportunities to continue to grow throughout their career. Learn more about our commitment to developing our people.”


“We cultivate a culture of inclusion for all employees that respects their individual strengths, views, and experiences. We believe that our differences enable us to be a better team – one that makes better decisions, drives innovation and delivers better business results.”

A crucial element present in both of these statements can be summarized as “the why.” Not only do these organizations emphasize that they are equal opportunity employers, they provide explanations into why equal opportunity and diverse employment is essential for their workplace. When a company can articulate the reasons behind their desire for diversity, it is a sign they truly value different perspectives. If an organization is able to recognize and lay out the benefits they gain from a diverse and inclusive workplace, then it is safe to conclude the environments they foster are inclusive not just in language, but in practice, too.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company. Her mission is providing guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within their organization.

Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential.


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The Customer is NOT Always Right


The Customer is NOT Always Right

Many organizations tout the mantra “the customer is always right.” And while they pursue diversity and inclusion initiatives amongst their employees, they are not always able to enforce that same level of respect from their customers. At hospitals, bigoted patients might see an overweight nurse and request that they be seen by a “thinner” nurse. Other patients have turned their noses up at a Black nurse, demanding that they wanted a white nurse instead. Such hateful rhetoric is not limited to the healthcare sector. At a bank, a customer encountered a Black teller and insisted they would rather wait for a white teller to assist them. Another customer even went so far as to refer to their Black teller as the n-slur. It is evident in these scenarios and too many others like it that the customer is not always right. The question, then, is how companies can create respectful, inclusive environments where their employees feel safe without the fear of losing business. Moreover, how can they create environments where their customers treat employees with the respect everyone deserves to receive.

An important solution is in the language. Instead of being complacent with the notion that “the customer is always right,” organizations can and should articulate specific statements that assert their expectations for customer behavior towards employees. The following companies have mastered the appropriate language, emphasizing that they will not tolerate harassment of employees from their clients:

An airline:

“Your safety and comfort – and that of our team members – are our top priority. We expect our team members to care for our customers with respect. We also expect our customers to interact with our team members and other customers with respect. If you act in a violent or inappropriate manner, you will not be able to continue your journey with us.”

Women’s Hospital in Baton Rouge:

“Women’s Hospital has zero-tolerance for threatening or aggressive behavior. Disruptive visitors will be asked to leave.

Staff is supported in pressing charges for aggressive behavior they encounter while caring for patients.

Incidents may result in removal and possible prosecution.”

Cardiovascular Institute of the South:

“CIS fosters a safe, kind and secure environment for our patients, visitors and team members. We hold ourselves to these standards of behavior, and we kindly ask for your courtesy and respect in doing the same.

We ask that you:

  • Show courtesy and respect

  • Be appropriate in language, tone and interactions

  • Abide by public health rules

  • Be an active participants in your plan of care

Please refrain from:

  • Discriminatory language

  • Rude, threatening or demeaning language or tone

  • Profanity

  • Verbal harassment”

These statements have important qualities in common.

  1. Emphasize the need for mutual respect between customers and employees.

  2. Specify that aggressive and hateful behavior will not be tolerated from workers or customers.

  3. State outright that there will be consequences for individuals who do not meet these expectations, from as simple as a customer being asked to leave to as drastic as legal prosecution.

The specificity of the languages leaves no room for misinterpretation. By setting firm guidelines, these organizations are being intentional in generate environments of true inclusion, where respect is fostered with every interaction on all levels.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company. Her mission is providing guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within their organization.

Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential.


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3 Essential Steps Companies Can Take Now to Start Building Their DE&I Strategy


3 Essential Steps Companies Can Take Now to Start Building Their DE&I Strategy


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