5 Statistics Related to the LGBTQ+ Community — Dima Ghawi

The best way to increase acceptance and understanding is through education and awareness. During Pride month, we have the opportunity to learn more about our LGBTQ+ coworkers and understand the history of the gay rights movement, current struggles that queer communities face, and new generations’ views of gender and sexual orientation. Here are five astounding statistics about the LGBTQ community and their experiences in the workplace: 

  1. Millennials are more than two times as likely to identify as LGBTQ and more likely to identify as non-binary than previous generations. -GLAAD

  2. 78% of Generation Z agrees that “gender does not define a person as much as it used to.”  -Wunderman and Thompson

  3. While only 4.5% of the current US population identifies as LGBTQ, the queer community makes up 20 - 40% of homeless individuals. -National LGBTQ Workers Center

  4. Non-binary individuals often experience double the unemployment rate when compared to the general population. -Injustice at Every Turn

  5. “25% of LGBTQ+ people report experiencing discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the past year—half of whom said it negatively impacted their work environment.” -National LGBTQ Workers Center

We deepen our understanding of the LGBTQ+ community through these facts, gaining insight into their personal and professional challenges. We must be intentional in becoming more knowledgeable and inclusive of our LGBTQ+ peers and coworkers.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company. Her mission is providing guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within their organization. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. For more information, visit DimaGhawi.com and BreakingVases.com.



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